Taking My Own F-ING Advice Tuesdays

It has been a few weeks since I wrote. I wasn’t feeling inspired, or motivated. I was feeling uncertain about next steps for me with work and BPF as a whole. Unsure about what I wanted to do next.

You see, I have always defined myself by what I have ‘done’ – my work, where I work, what I do for a living. And in the last several years I have been deconstructing that. The mindset BS that we seem to take on and let control the decisions we make and the life we live. After I talked to the important people in my inner circle and weighed out all the options, I found myself back in a scenario where I had to take my own fucking advice again… and it is annoying.


Today’s Taking My Own Effing Advice Tuesday is brought to you by, get off the fence and hire the damn coach!


I have mentioned in the past about waiting for the invitation, how this has served me each and every time. It is where my biggest growth and lessons have come from. Waiting for and accepting the invitation. Several months ago, a coach whom I have never met dropped into my DMs and we started a conversation (excellent conversion tactic, by the way. Create a relationship, don’t sell.) We went back and forth for a few months (yes, months. This is not something I recommend for conversion! LOL)  chatting and sharing about life. I had a few things on the go that were taking up time and space and didn’t feel like I had the energy to deal with this. So, I waited until things were settled and I was ready. Thankfully, Erik waited as well

And then I did it, I hired a coach. Actually, a team of coaches to help drive me forward. To change BPF and what I offer. I took my own damn advice. And it was scary.


Why was it scary? Because I am afraid to let down myself and others. I am afraid that I will have invested all this money and I won’t be successful or even make back what I sent out the door. But some of the most important people in my life invested in me and helped me see that it isn’t that scary, and I need to take the leap and make the change. Then I remembered that I am in control of this, I can work smarter and create a life I love. I have done it before. I know I can do it again and those important people will be right alongside me reminding me why I made this choice… and that I am worth it.


You have now been warned, you will be seeing more of my face and hearing my voice. Perhaps I may even turn Take My Own Effing Advice into a video. Stay tuned!


And as always, if you want a partner who will push, pull, encourage, and cheer you on there is always room for us to work on redefining your own Brave Path.